Ticket Easy
Seamless Ticketing for Public Transportation
UX / UI Design
Made by MOTIONTAG GmbH, Ticket Easy is a public transport ticketing app that takes the complexity out of travelling by giving you one “pay as you go” digital ticket for all modes of transport. The goal of the project was to design a simple method of distributing PAYG tickets and a simple payment journey to match.
iOS & Android
UX/UI Design
Low / High Fidelity Prototyping
Ground Truth Testing
Development Handoff
Travelling on public transport can be very complicated especially when using more that one mode of transport. 
Current ticketing systems require you to either buy the correct tickets before travelling or make sure your travel card is topped up sufficiently. Where there are now contactless payment systems, the experience is better, but these do not cover multiple modes of transport - subway on to E-scooter for example. Commuters do not have much patience for complex commuting systems and are most interested in getting to their destination.
Competitor Analysis
Since seamless ticketing is a unique concept to MOTIONTAG, there were no direct competitors to draw UX insights from. However, I  looked into existing ticket providers and route planning apps to understand the essential elements that users would expect to see in a commuter app. This included features such as estimated arrivals, ticket prices, route durations and rich maps.

This analysis also helped me establish a design direction for the UI of Ticket Easy. A lot of the apps were using card/sheet systems as it kept all the information neatly arranged and easy to digest. This was important as Ticket Easy needed to keep the design familiar for commuters, making the transition from existing apps "Easy".
A user flow to match a commuter's flow
The journey should be as simple as:

1. Plan your route
2. Commute
3. Pay for your journey

This was the basis for the user journey map from which the Ticket Easy service was designed onto; factoring in location data, timetables and payments systems.
A quick set of concepts were produced from the user journey map. The aim was to show users the key information they required during their journey such as, the closest stations, ticket barcodes, elapsed journey and price. These wireframes were tested internally to perfect the flow and to make any quick alterations until we reached a comprehensive and cohesive design.
High Fidelity Prototypes
A skeumorphic approach was pursured to keep the experience familiar and fun, taking design cues from physical tickets and existing route planners. The use of a card system meant that the user only had to interact with one card in their daily commute, which could be swiped away to reveal their current location.

Long press activation was used to clock in the ticket and avoided accidental charges. As the Ticket Easy technology was able to detect when a commuter had finished their journey there wasn't a need for a clock out button, however it was decided to design one in anyway to reassure the user.

These features kept the the user experience simple and hassle free.
Ground Truth Testing
After exporting assets and providing design documentation for our in-house developers to implement, a testflight app was released for testing. Ground truth collectors who test the technology also test it’s user interface and provide feedback on the design. This enabled the team to understand how the app performed in the real world, collecting valuable data and opinions on the user interface and experience.
Next Steps
Some new features were suggested by testers such as viewing the previous leg of the journey whilst the ticket was still active. This was deemed beneficial for them as they could monitor the price of the journey as they travelled.

The users also wanted to see other stations which may have more modes of transport or services. This was suggested as some people liked to stop off to access certain ammenties such as shops or make a deviation from their initial route.

These suggestions were all taken back into the design process for evaluation, conceptualisation, testing and release.